Some of our products (medical products) have expiry date. By law in KSA, we are required to display production date and expiry date everywhere, including in our invoices and delivery notes. I wanted to know if this can be managed with Tuhund. What do we need to do to manage this. Is there any additional work required. Please note we need batch, production date and expiry date in all items that have expiry date in our PDF invoices. Thanks in advance.
Inside Tax Invoice Register Report, there is a button, "Sharing Report," which takes to another report "Tax Invoice Register :: Sharing Report." What is that report? Both reports look the same. They have the same data and the same filters. Even exported excel files look the same.
For some of our large customers, the system is automatically charging TCS. For most such customers it is fine. It is happening for only a few. What could be the reason and how can it be fixed?
- Added date (from and to) filter in purchase returns list page.
- Improved search function in location selector in Inventory.
- Added onclick vendor filter option in purchase returns list page.
- Made discussion section enabled by default in purchase invoice
- Added closure confirmation stage in Delivery Notes with mandatory document attachment check
- Added new features in packing lists associated with commercial invoices and delivery notes
- Improved loading speed of commercial invoices and delivery notes, even with enhanced and added features
Should ERP not prevent users from adding same items from same commercial invoices to credit notes?
,credit note
I can see a number of parameters based on which invoice numbers are generated. In those there is also an option of including month in invoice prefix and quotation prefix, etc. Is there any value or reason why anybody would need month included in Invoice prefix? I want to know just to be sure we are not missing out on anything valuable.
One thing I have noticed so far is that Tuhund is vast. It has so many features and so many options that it is impossible to know about all or even remember all. Every time when I think now we are using it fully, I discover more features that are very useful.
If we enable sending of SMS automatically to customers when tax invoice is created, will it send invoice amount to the customer or total balance?
In most invoices there are many options for processing delivery but in some there is only one option “create delivery note.” Why are options different for different invoices when everything is same?
Commercial invoice register report is very detailed report which shows actual cost price (including overhead expenses) for each product in each invoice and also shows margin for each product in each invoice. We need a report with same filters and all other data same except columns of cost and margins, for our sales team who do not need to see cost and margin. Can we have this report, or can we know if it is already there?
Commercial Invoice #: HHAG-IN11*** was accounted
I wanted to take a sales return so deleted the record in ledger but still I cant see any changes on the Commercial Invoice #: HHAG-IN11***
Please suggest how to take the sales return or where we should see it?
In almost all reports of accounts receivable we have a column for finance cost. On what basis is this finance cost calculated?
We have arranged customers in different groups and set credit time limit in terms of days for each group. We have also set credit limit on amount for each customer. We have set locking of invoice on exceeding any of the two limits. Sometimes when customer fails to make payment but specially requests to allow some invoices, we have to go and change his group. This is not a problem as it is quite easy. Our problem arises because often, after raising that exceptional invoice, we forget to move the customer to original group. With the result we leave the customer with the changed credit terms. Is there a way that system will automatically move the customer back to the original group after invoice has been created?
Where will indent sales show in our balance sheet?
How will it appear in GST reports?
Do we have to show Indent Sales in GST?