I have created account for PhonePe but I am not seeing upload button to upload statement. I can see auto-reconcile button, but it is not uploading my file. Is there anything that needs to be done?
- Add module management of manpower supplied by human resource / labour contractors with auto calculation of effort, time and payment management.
- Added option of minimum wages.
- Added option of categorization of overtime for both regular employees and workers.
- Added several new filters in shipment delivery orders.
- Added options of one click auto rectification of mismatch due to human errors in shipment delivery orders.
- Added fields for tracking additional master record data in service requests.
- Added swp ID (Service with product) in the services item objects in shipping cart order API response JSON.
- Added new options in payroll policies.
- Added option of direct capture of photos and headshots for employees using web-cams. This option is particularly useful for induction of factory workers.
- Introduced auto-jump option in the Tuhund User App. This takes the users directly into the screen where they are needed most.
For indent sales order to our principal, only the commission amount is posted to the books of accounts and same shows in accounts receivable. This is fine for following up for our own commission amount with the vendor and sending him bills, statements and alerts. Actual invoice amount is not accounted, which is very much correct. But how do we track payments from customer to principal. This is also very important to follow up because it is our responsibility too to see to it that this payment is cleared. Delay in this payment often delays our payments too and more than that reconciliation becomes difficult. Do we have a solution for this?
I had to add same bank accounts while preparing payment vouchers for different branches of our company and it resulted in 17 accounts and in actual there are only 6 accounts. Now this effects balances in bank accounts in the system.
In almost all reports of accounts receivable we have a column for finance cost. On what basis is this finance cost calculated?
We have arranged customers in different groups and set credit time limit in terms of days for each group. We have also set credit limit on amount for each customer. We have set locking of invoice on exceeding any of the two limits. Sometimes when customer fails to make payment but specially requests to allow some invoices, we have to go and change his group. This is not a problem as it is quite easy. Our problem arises because often, after raising that exceptional invoice, we forget to move the customer to original group. With the result we leave the customer with the changed credit terms. Is there a way that system will automatically move the customer back to the original group after invoice has been created?