We have arranged customers in different groups and set credit time limit in terms of days for each group. We have also set credit limit on amount for each customer. We have set locking of invoice on exceeding any of the two limits. Sometimes when customer fails to make payment but specially requests to allow some invoices, we have to go and change his group. This is not a problem as it is quite easy. Our problem arises because often, after raising that exceptional invoice, we forget to move the customer to original group. With the result we leave the customer with the changed credit terms. Is there a way that system will automatically move the customer back to the original group after invoice has been created?
You really do not need to take the trouble of changing group for making exception for raising quotations, proforma invoices, indent orders or commercial invoices. Any user with high level approval rights for any of these records can raise a new record. For such users, Tuhund will display a warning like “This customer has an outstanding balance 45 days old. Credit time limit of this customer is only 30 days,” but it will not block creation of record.
A more suitable approach is not to lock creation of record for anybody, but lock approval. In such a case, user with low level approval will not be able to approve the invoice. System will escalate it to a user with high level approval rights. Moreover, there is no need to lock quotation and proforma invoice. It is better to lock approval of Indent Order and Commercial Invoice. Tuhund allows you locking based on policy for each group at following levels:
- Raising of new Quotation
- Approval of Quotation
- Elevating Quotation
- Raising of new Proforma Invoice
- Approval of Proforma Invoice
- Elevating Proforma Invoice
- Raising of new Commercial Invoice
- Approval of Commercial Invoice
- Accounting of Commercial Invoice
Though you can lock sales for defaulters at any of the above level or levels, we would suggest to lock only the last two.