We are currently working on integrating the Job Order module with the Cut Plan software for our cutting machines. While we have the Tuhund API documentation, we need a small clarification regarding the available JSON data export options. There are two buttons: one labeled "Export JSON" and the other "Raw Data." During the integration phase, which of these should we use as the reference sample? Although both seem identical, what is the difference between these two options? Which data will the Job Order API return?
Some of our products (medical products) have expiry date. By law in KSA, we are required to display production date and expiry date everywhere, including in our invoices and delivery notes. I wanted to know if this can be managed with Tuhund. What do we need to do to manage this. Is there any additional work required. Please note we need batch, production date and expiry date in all items that have expiry date in our PDF invoices. Thanks in advance.
Inside Tax Invoice Register Report, there is a button, "Sharing Report," which takes to another report "Tax Invoice Register :: Sharing Report." What is that report? Both reports look the same. They have the same data and the same filters. Even exported excel files look the same.
We want to lock prices in purchase order system with current prices. Any new hike requires approval from me.
We have a peculiar problem and want to see if ERP can be customized to handle this requirement. We print QR code labels through Tuhund because printing with printer software is not practical for such a high number of records. For the bins containing single item, there is no problem and ERP is printing correctly with big and bold font for the part number. But for the bins where we have multiple items in the same bin, ERP is printing only the first product’s part number. We would really appreciate if ERP could print up to 5 part numbers in one label and adjust font size also accordingly. That is, if there is a single item in the bin, then we need big font so that part number covers entire label which is left after QR code. If there are five items, ERP should fit all five in the same space. We have multiple label sizes but for these bins that have compartments, we use a fixed label size 100 mm * 40 mm.
We need ERP customized as soon as possible as we want to do a stock audit in a week and half of our bins to not even have QR code labels because of this reason. If this customization can be done, how long will this ERP customization take?
I recall seeing option of adding services that are automatically added along with products. If I correctly remember this option was in the product category screen where we can select these services. Now I am not able to find this option.
We need to check consumption pattern of customers for different products as well as more detailed report for any product as a drill down.