When we account expense claims, we want the amount to be credited to petty cash account. Now it is credited to individual accounts for every claimer. How can we change it?
Before telling you how to do it let me emphasize that for your business what you are suggesting is not a good way. Default flow and settings in Tuhund are ideal for your business. Let me explain:
In the default workflow of claims in Tuhund a claimer raises his own expense claim or an accountant enters claim on behalf of the claimer. A manager checks the claim and approves (or rejects) it. Once the claim is approved, accountant posts it into books of accounts, which is a one click automated process unless accountant want to make modifications like change of ledger or add some more details. A claim could large with several types of expenses. Tuhund splits the debit side into respective expense heads. On the credit side, Tuhund selects expense claim account of the claimer. Once the entry is posted there is a credit balance in the claimer's account and this is the amount that the company has to pay. Quite often an amount which might be more or less than the claim is paid to the claimer in advance against a requisition. In such a case, at the time of accounting the claim, accountant can offset the amount or a part of it against the amount paid. At any point of time if there is a credit balance in the claimer's account that means company has to pay the claimer and if there is a debit balance, that means there is an advance amount with the claimer which either he has to return or raise claims against that. For most of the organizations, this is the ideal work flow from every perspective.
In exceptional cases, particularly for small branch offices and retail counters where claims are rare and expenses are paid for immediately from the petty cash, credit claims to petty cash makes sense. This can be enabled on branch level quite easily. Please go to admin >> branch management >> branch. On the right side under finance and accounting (settings) section you will see an option "Credit all claims to common liability account." If you check that, for such branch or branches system will behave exactly as you are asking for.