This is a complicated topic and needs through explanation. One of our consultants will get in touch with you shortly. Nevertheless, I will try and summarize it here.
For each resource that you add to the project team, Tuhund project management module gives you the option to select engagement type. The options are:
- Fixed cost (fixed for the whole project)
- Pro-rated (fixed rate per unit time from start to end irrespective of actual tasks)
- Full day (entire day counted when task assigned covers whole of part of the day)
- Actual Minutes (actual effort time)
Fixed cost is typically useful for contractual labour hired on lump sum or fixed price contract. This could even be an external project manager or consultant.
Pro-rated is typically useful for skilled or professional contractual labour that is hired from outside the city or town. This is because, their idle time cannot be utilized for any other productive work and they would want to be paid for that too.
Full day is typically useful for junior level staff dedicated for the project. This is applicable where if a task or tasks assigned take part of the day but rest of the time is not useful.
Actual minutes are used in case of shared resources. For instance a project manager might be working on n number of projects at the same time. Actual time invented in each project is taken into account for the project.
Fixed cost is to be entered manually. For all other cases, system will suggest unit cost based on the actual CTC. In Tuhund we have two types on CTC in the payroll; CTC and actual CTC. CTC includes all components of financial cost on the employee. Actual CTC is the sum of CTC and other intangible costs. Tuhund also has an option to pre-specify buffer on branch level settings, which can be over-ridden if, as and when required.