API List
- API Introduction
- Authentication Key API
- Server Date and Time
- Embed Image API
- Attachment Download API
- Common lookups API
CRM Integration API
- List of companies with basic details
- Complete details of a company
- List of customers of a branch with basic details
- Register Person
- Register company
- Register address
- Register contact query
- Login ID availability check
- Customer Login API
Delivery / Shipment Order API
Expense Claims Integration API
- Register Expense Claim
- Add expense item to claim
- Save and present claim for approval
- Get list of claims with basic details
- Get claim with all details
Inventory Module Integration API
Sales Module Integration API
- Register Quotation API
- Register Proforma Invoice API
- List of Commercial Invoices
- Number of Commercial Invoices
- Register Invoice API
Shopping Cart Integration API
- Price List API
- Create Shopping Cart Order
- Add product to shopping cart
- Update payment details
- Get order in shopping cart
- List of orders in shopping cart
Procurement Module API
Manufacturing Module API
API # : 8032 | API Name : purchaseorders
Module : Procurement
Get filtered and sort list of purchase orders.
URL : <domain>/apic/purchaseorders
Methods Allowed : POST
Request Body : JSON Payload
Payload Structure :
Name | Description | Type |
search | Search text. | String |
sdate | Starting date in DD/MM/YYYY format. For example 01/04/2020 would get all records starting from April 1, 2020 (Please check show5 filter in the following secion) | String |
fdate | Ending date in DD/MM/YYYY format. For example 31/03/2021 would get all records till from March 31, 2021 (Please check show5 filter in the following secion) | String |
show5 | Show 5 coltrols which date to consider in the sdate and fdate fields.
For value of show5=I Vendor's invoice date will be considered. For null value or any other value, Purchase Order date will be considered. |
String |
show | Status of the Purchase Order. Options :
String |
show2 | Relation Type. Options :
String |
show3 | Transaction Type. Options :
String |
show4 | Purchase order Type. Options :
String |
ep1 | Vendor ID | String |
ep2 | Purchase executive ID | String |
pp | Number of records per page. All the matching records are split in sets similar to pages. This value tells the system how many records have to be grouped under each page. Default value is 100 |
Integer |
page | Page number. Default is 1 | Integer |
srt | Sort by. Possible values are :
String |
order | Sort Order. ASC or DESC | String |
LType Code Table | |
0 | Assignment |
1 | Quotation |
2 | Proforma Invoice |
3 | Commercial Invoice |
4 | Sales Order |
6 | Cart Order (e-Commerce Shopping Cart Order) |
7 | Delivery Note |
8 | Lead |
9 | Request for Purchase - RFP |
10 | Event |
11 | Project |
12 | Service Request |
13 | Installation |
14 | Training |
15 | Inquiry |
16 | Maintenance Task |
17 | Delivery Order / Shipping Order |
18 | Advance Request |
19 | Advance Note |
20 | Delivery Note |
21 | Delivery Receipt / Goods Receipt Note |
22 | Purchase Order |
23 | Purchase Invoice |
26 | Purchase Return |
27 | Stock Booking / Pick List |
28 | Request for Quote - RFQ |
29 | Vendor Quotation |
31 | Job Order |
32 | Job Work |
33 | Job Position |
34 | Job Application |
35 | Job Candidate |
37 | Lead Referer |
41 | Expense Claim |
42 | Post dated Payment |
50 | Manufacturing Material Request |
51 | Idea |
52 | Crisis Alert |
53 | Shipment Order (B2C direct from customer) |
54 | Project Task |
55 | Contact Form |
60 | Non-Manufacturing Material Request |
63 | Shipment Order (B2B from aggregator or trader) |
64 | AMC (Maintenance Contracts) |
65 | Autoexpense |
66 | Accounts Recievable Statement |
91 | Leave Request |
Request Headers :
Name | Description |
device | A short name of your application. Device is mandatory but any value between 3 and 20 characters is accepted. |
Authentication | Authentication code generated for API call. |
Sample Payload 1 :
Sample with most common values
{ "sdate": "01/01/2023", "fdate": "30/09/2023", "show": "OPEN", "bid": "ENTERPRISE" }
Sample Payload 2 :
Sample with all values
{ "show2": "IN", "sdate": "01/01/2023", "show4": "ALL", "show3": "ALL", "ep2": "w2ggjG", "ep1": "XDBVjU", "fdate": "30/09/2023", "show": "OPEN", "bid": "ENTERPRISE", "show5": "I" }
Sample success response :
{ "result": 1, "records": 1, "pages": 1, "data": [ { "branchid": "ENTERPRISE", "podate": "25/05/2023", "createddate": "25/05/2023", "quotationid": "fFZsDr", "lid": "fFYKeM", "discount": 0, "entityid": "ENTERPRISE", "shipmentterms": "Local Delivery", "type": 0, "ltype": 50, "taxtype": 5, "validtill": "01/06/2023", "adiscount": 0, "accountstatus": 0, "tdsapp": false, "nettotal": 3920, "currency": "INR", "sstid": "INTERSTATEIN", "daysallowed": 7, "isimport": 0, "vendorid": "XDBVjU", "grosstotal": 3920, "inventorystatus": 0, "creditperiod": 0, "poprefixid": "QWz7eK", "shortname": "ECS", "daysleft": -127, "poid": "fFaS2M", "revision": 0, "cidate": "25/05/2023", "effectivetotal": 3920, "statusmessage": "Not saved yet.", "ponumber": "PO1641", "exchange": 1, "expecteddate": "01/06/2023", "validity": 7, "raisedby": "w2ggjG", "vendorname": "ECS Business Software Solutions", "items": 1, "usetype": 0, "status": 0 } ] }
Sample failure response :
{ "result": -1, "message": "Operation failed.", "errors": [ { "code": 500, "error": "Unknown system exception" } ] }
Response Schema :
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "result": { "type": "integer", "description": "Result code. 1 for success, -1 for failure" }, "records": { "type": "integer", "description": "Total number of records matching search and filter criteria" }, "pages": { "type": "integer", "description": "Total number of pages matching search and filter criteria" }, "data": { "type": "array", "description": "List of purchase orders as JSON array", "items": [ { "type": "object", "properties": { "poid": { "type": "string", "description": "Purchase order ID" }, "ponumber": { "type": "string", "description": "Purchase order number" }, "podate": { "type": "string", "description": "Purchase order date." }, "branchid": { "type": "string", "description": "Branch ID from which the purchase order is raised." }, "createddate": { "type": "string", "description": "Date of creation of the record." }, "quotationid": { "type": "string", "description": "ID of the quotation in case the order has been raised from or against a vendor quotation." }, "discount": { "type": "double", "description": "Discount on purchase order in terms of percentage on gross total level." }, "entityid": { "type": "string", "description": "Entity ID for the branch from which purchase order is raised." }, "shipmentterms": { "type": "string", "description": "Shipment terms." }, "type": { "type": "integer", "description": "Type of items where products and services in the same purchase order are blocked by policy.", "values": [ { "code":0, "meaning": "Not locked to any type. Policy not enabled." }, { "code":1, "meaning": "Only goods" }, { "code":2, "meaning": "Only services." } ] }, "ltype": { "type": "integer", "description": "Code for the type of direct parent of the purchase invoice. Please refer to ltype code table." }, "lid": { "type": "string", "description": "ID for the direct parent of the purchase invoice" }, "taxtype": { "type": "integer", "description": "Tax Type" }, "validtill": { "type": "string", "description": "Date of validity" }, "adiscount": { "type": "double", "description": "Discount given as amount on the net total." }, "accountstatus": { "type": "integer", "description": "Status code for the accounting transaction.", "values": [ { "code":0, "meaning": "Not ready and not initiated." }, { "code":1, "meaning": "Ready but not initiated." }, { "code":2, "meaning": "Awaiting approval for posting." }, { "code":3, "meaning": "Posted to the books of accounts as finalized transaction." }, { "code":5, "meaning": "Posted to the books of accounts but mandatory post-process pending. Examples would be IRN, e-Invoice and VFD, etc. " } ] }, "tdsapp": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Flag to specify if TDS / With holding tax / Advance Tax is applicable on the services." }, "nettotal": { "type": "double", "description": "Net total value of the purchase order in the original currency." }, "currency": { "type": "string", "description": "Currency code. Three letter upper case." }, "sstid": { "type": "string", "description": "Tax Type ID. This list is country / taxation system specific. " }, "daysallowed": { "type": "integer", "description": "Maximum days permitted for the vendor for the fulfilment" }, "isimport": { "type": "integer", "description": "Is the transaction an import transaction.", "values": [ { "code": 0, "meaning": "Local / Domestic Transaction" }, { "code": 1, "meaning": "Probaby an import transaction. Not specified yet" }, { "code": 2, "meaning": "Import Transaction" } ] }, "vendorid": { "type": "string", "description": "Vendor ID" }, "grosstotal": { "type": "double", "description": "Gross total value of the purchase order in the original currency." }, "inventorystatus": { "type": "integer", "description": "Status of stock in (in case of stock PO)." "values: [ { "code": 0, "meaning": "Not Initiated" }, { "code": 1, "meaning": "Process Initiated" }, { "code": 2, "meaning": "Goods stocked in" } ] }, "creditperiod": { "type": "integer", "description": "Number of days for the payment" }, "poprefixid": { "type": "string", "description": "Purchase order type ID" }, "shortname": { "type": "string", "description": "Short or coded name of the vendor" }, "tag": { "type": "string", "description": "Short label appended to the vendor name for internal records to identify vendors / uints / branches with same legal name" }, "daysleft": { "type": "integer", "description": "Days left for the dispatch of the goods" }, "revision": { "type": "integer", "description": "Revision number in case purchase order has been revised. This value will be zero if purchase order was not revised" }, "cidate": { "type": "string", "description": "Vendor's commercial invoice date" }, "effectivetotal": { "type": "double", "description": "Net toal of the purchase order exchanged into local currency" }, "statusmessage": { "type": "string", "description": "System generated status label" }, "exchange": { "type": "double", "description": "Exchange rate for foreign currency transactions. For local currency this value will always be 1.0" }, "expecteddate": { "type": "string", "description": "Expected date of the arrival of the goods / execution of the services" }, "validity": { "type": "integer", "description": "Validity of the purchase order in terms of days remaining" }, "raisedby": { "type": "string", "description": "ID of the purchase executive" }, "vendorname": { "type": "string", "description": "Name of the Vendor" }, "items": { "type": "integer", "description": "Number of line items" }, "usetype": { "type": "integer", "description": "Use type. 0 for Stock / Inventory. 1 for Assets / Consumables / Expenses" }, "status": { "type": "integer", "description": "Status code." } } } ] } } }